Sunday, July 13, 2014



2048 logic based game which game became famous in a very short period, almost any android devices has this game installed. Initially , it was made with a certain goal ,"reach the 2048 tile" but then it changed the goal "reach the biggest possible tile". Here we will discuss how to reach high tiles in 2048.

Here is a video which reached up to tile 8192, of course 8192 is not the biggest possible tile but the player plays with the strategy which could have led to the biggest tile.


What is the biggest tile?

 Picture in the right shows the best score you can achieve, the biggest tile is 131072 which is 2^17 (2 power of 17) which is the best case, this doesn't happen very commonly, it will happen only if the table is full of sorted number one after another and the number which came in the last cell is '4', in all other cases we will end up reaching 2^16 (2 power of 16) which is 65536 tile. 

One and only startegy


 Have a look at the picture on the left. The only way is to keep all the tiles sorted in some order, on this picture the biggest is on the bottom left corner, and then following the long green arrow every tile is smaller than the previous one. You can do the same for other positions , if you prefer the up left corner, you can do it as well but maintaining the sorted order is crucial. If at some the sorted sequence is getting ruined you need to recover the situation as fast as you can. Have a look at the video again, and you will see what happens, the played plays with the strategy described here.

Deadliest mistake we should avoid at any cost


 This is the mistake which we shouldn't do, when this happens our only move is to move up which will generate one '2' or '4' tile on the 4th row which might be deadly. This can be resolved if the numbers are not large but if we want to achieve high tiles we need to play carefully.

       by Safrastyan

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